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Worksheet created by Dawn Pederson.



Students will create a work of art using the one point perspective technique. The artwork will depict the interior of any room they please, this can be a bedroom, kitchen, living room, or any other room. Students will complete their work in watercolor.



In this lesson students will...

- be able to understand the process of one point perspective and demonstrate this by painting the interior of a room.

- be able to establish value using watercolor techniques.

Tools & Materials

- Pencil
- Watercolors

- Watercolor Paper
- Ruler
- Fine Tip Sharpie


One point perspective - A drawing method that shows how things appear to get smaller as they get further away, converging towards a single vanishing point on the horizon line. It is a way of drawing objects upon a flat piece of paper (or other drawing surface) so that they look three dimensional and realistic.

Vanishing Point - The point at which receding parallel lines viewed in perspective appear to converge.

Watercolors - Artists' paint made with a water-soluble binder such as gum arabic, and thinned with water rather than oil, giving a transparent color.

Wet-on-wet - A watercolor technique in which watercolors are applied to a previously moistened piece of paper.

Wet-on-dry - A watercolor technique where watercolor paint is painted onto dry paper.


1. Students will receive a worksheet that will take them through the process of drawing the interior of a room using one point perspective.

2. When the student has completed the worksheet they will flip the worksheet over to the blank back side and draw 3 thumbnail sketches of a room they would create for their final draft. This can be a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, or any other room.


3. Students will use skills learned from the one point perspective worksheet to create the interior of a room of their own creation using pencil first on watercolor paper.


4. After they are done with the pencil they may go over their lines in fine tip sharpie to create sharp lines.

5. Students will be given a small demonstration about how to create value with watercolor. Students will also be introduced to wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry watercolor techniques. 


5. When students are done with this part of the project they will paint their room with watercolor taking special care in showing highlights and shadows. They may outline their work with black fine tip sharpie if they wish. 

South Carolina Visual Arts Standards

Standard 1: The students ill demonstrate competence in the use of ideas, materials,
techniques, and processes in the creation of visual art.

VAH1-1.4  Apply materials, techniques, and processes with skill, confidence, and sensitivity
sufficient to make his or her intentions observable in the artwork he or she creates.

VAH1-1.5 Use a variety of art materials, tools, and equipment in a skillful, safe, and responsible

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