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Students will create a painting of a lego sculpture of their own creation using the two-point perspective technique. They will paint their finished drawings using watercolor.


In this lesson students will...

-  understand the process of two point perspective and how it can be used to draw realistic lines and angels.

Tools & Materials

- Pencil
- Watercolors

- Watercolor Paper
- Ruler
- Legos
- Fine Tip Sharpie


Two Point Perspective - a perspective technique in which parallels lines along the width and
depth of an object are represented as two meeting separate points on the horizon that are 90 degrees apart as measured from the common intersection of the lines of projection.

Vanishing Point - the point at which receding parallel lines viewed in perspective appear to converge.


1. The instructor will show a PowerPoint about two point perspective giving examples of the

2. After the presentation, the students will be instructed to create a small formation with a group
of legos that they will use to explore two point perspective.

3. On the board, the instructor will use two point perspective to demonstrate the correct
execution of the technique and how to use the horizon lines.

4. After instruction, students will practice two point perspective at least twice in their sketchbook.

5. When this is complete, the students can move on to their final creation on watercolor paper.

6. When the final drawing is done, the student will use watercolors to color their legos as they are
in their formation, taking care to show some shadows and highlights.

7. When the student is done they will use black construction paper to make a 1 inch frame for their work, and tape the frame onto their final work.

South Carolina Visual Arts Standards

Standard 1: Student will demonstrate competence in the use of ideas, materials, techniques, and processes in the creation of works of visual art.

VAH1-1.3 Communicate ideas through the effective use of a variety of materials, techniques, and processes in works of visual art.

VAH1-1.4 Apply materials, techniques, and processes with skill, confidence, and sensitivity sufficient to make his or her intentions observable in the artwork he or she creates.

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